Thursday, June 4, 2015

Builder Breakfast Wednesday, June 17th! Sponsored by Piedmont Natural Gas

Attention all HBA of Greenville builder members, there will be a Builder Breakfast on Wednesday, June 17th starting at 7:30 a.m. at Soby's. This event is sponsored by Piedmont Natural Gas and our featured speakers will be David Bereskin of Greenville Water and Ray Orvin of ReWa.
Don't miss out on the insider details from this meeting.
Please RSVP by Friday, June 12th by calling the HBA office at 864-254-0133 or emailing HBA of Greenville
We look forward to seeing you there!

HBA's Tammy Krimm receives Kindness Revolution Award

Congratulations to the HBA's very own Tammy Krimm in receiving the Kindness Revolution Award presented by Brad Hughes Allstate Agency. For more information on the Kindness Revolution visit…/
Congratulations Tammy!