Thursday, October 15, 2009

Current Public Opinion Data on Growth and Housing

A recent poll conducted by Fallon Research and Communications Inc. explored current attitudes toward the housing market and regulatory climate.

Some of the highlights:
  • Americans seem to be acutely attuned to the important relationship between the housing industry and the national economy: 45% say that the real estate industry and housing market are very important to the national economy; another 48% say that they are, at least, somewhat important.
  • 34% of the respondents say that they believe that over the last few months, the economy has imporved a lot or somewhat. Young adults seem more optimistic, with 37% of respondents ages 18-34 saying that the economy has improved a lot.
  • Looking at growth from a local perspective, only 23% of the national survey respondents say that housing growth in their area is happening too fast. 45% say it is happening at a good pace, and 27% feel it is happening too slow.
  • Despite the state of the economy and recognition of housing growth's integral role in bolstering it, there is reluctance to embrace more permissive regulatory postures toward growth. Only 32% agreed that now is the time to eliminate some of the most restrictive housing growth and development regulations. 51% disagreed - the majority of those disagreeing were 55 and older.

For more on this study, click here.

Source: Fallon Research & Communications, Inc.

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