Friday, June 20, 2014

UPDATE: City of Greenville Residential Infill Standards

Planning Director Michael Kerski Speaks to HBA Members
The Planning Commission of the City of Greenville has recommended to City Council adoption of an ordinance imposing certain new requirements on residential infill construction.  The ordinance is the result of a months-long review of issues created by construction activity in the city as well as the city's ordinances that govern them.  The 15-member task force included four members from the Home Builders Association of Greenville.

On June 17 about 30 members of the Home Builders Association participated in a briefing on the new ordinance, as well as other ordinances and policies, in a General Membership meeting called "How to Successfully Remodel, Build, and Develop in the City of Greenville.

About the Infill Ordinance
The ordinance's purpose is to achieve neighborhood compatibility, maintain the harmony and character of existing neighborhoods, and guide residential infill development.  The ordinance has four key provisions:
  1. Limit the construction of garages and driveways in the front yard of homes in existing neighborhoods.
  2. Limit the visual impact of stormwater detention in existing neighborhoods.
  3. When the combination of a house and other impervious surfaces exceed 60 percent of the total lot, impose additional stormwater management requirements for that project if it is not a part of a larger common plan.
  4. Require a minimum planing of trees in R6 and R9 neighborhoods.
The ordinance still requires the approval of City Council.  Click here to view the Residential Infill Ordinance approved by the Planning Commission.
In addition to the infill ordinance, members learned more about the city's existing stormwater ordinance, zoning and subdivision ordinances, building code enforcement procedures, and the city's Community Development program.

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